Bat Boy: The Musical
Bat Boy: The Musical is a ridiculous, heartfelt musical comedy/horror show about a half-boy, half-bat. Based on a June 23, 1992 “true story” in the Weekly World News about a half-boy, half-bat, dubbed “Bat Boy”, who grew up living in a cave in the West Virginia Hills, and then brought into the sleepy town of Hope Falls, which intrigues the inhabitants. Even though Bat Boy is taught to act like a “normal” boy, will his happiness be shattered when the town discovers the shocking secret of his unholy origin?
September 20–October 6, 2024
Ticket Prices
Tickets starting at $36
30 minutes before showtime.
30 minutes before showtime. ALL late seating is at the discretion of the house manager and is not guaranteed once the performance has begun.
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